Blind Bargains

SSD, the Future of Hard Drives

First it was flash memory. Now, we've got the next logical step, flash-based hard drives. SSD stands for solid state drive and it's available now. With a flash-based hard drive, you have no moving parts which can lead to faster boot times, shock resistance, and faster access to your files. Get this Transcend 32GB solid state hard drive for $257.99 at with about $8 for shipping. It's a 2.5 inch hard drive which means that you could install it inside a laptop or a USB hard drive enclosure. Other sizes including 64GB and 128GB are also available, albeit a bit pricy at this point. But just like flash memory, we expect these prices to fall in the coming months.

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Category: Storage

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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