Blind Bargains

The 99 Most Essential Pieces of the Romantic Era for $2.99 Shipped

13 hours of music for 3 bucks? Say it isn't so. has The 99 Most Essential Pieces of the Romantic Era for $2.99. It comes via an MP3 download. If you don't recognize some of the songs at first, just do like we did and start listening to samples. The Flight of the Bumblebee, the Nutcracker Suite, and Fur Elise are among the songs included in this set. Introduce some culture to your hard drive. We don't know when this deal ends, but typically, these sales don't last long.

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Category: Books/Movies/Music
Displaying 5 comments.
daronoff Friday, 28-Aug-2009 11:06 PM ET:

I like it, my hard drive needs some culture in any case and this is a great deal!

techlynne Friday, 28-Aug-2009 11:12 PM ET:

What an amazing deal. I follow Blind Bargains on Twitter and am thrilled to have been able to take advantage of such an incredible offer. I did indeed jump on it for I did not know when it would turn into so much music in the mist. I am happy to say that as a music major, I know many of these famous pieces. Thank you very much.

J.J. Friday, 28-Aug-2009 11:43 PM ET:

Yes. It definitely gave my 20MB/second connection a workout, but a nice addition for sure.

techlynne Saturday, 29-Aug-2009 08:45 AM ET:

What an amazing deal. I follow Blind Bargains on Twitter and am thrilled to have been able to take advantage of such an incredible offer. I did indeed jump on it for I did not know when it would turn into so much music in the mist. I am happy to say that as a music major, I know many of these famous pieces. Thank you very much.

jaybird Sunday, 30-Aug-2009 01:20 AM ET:

Downloading this as I write. Following it up with a $7.99 Mozart collection and Nutcracker Suite, etc. for $3.99 I think it is. There's some good deals on classical music out there.

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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