Blind Bargains

Handi-Cassette II Cassette player and Recorder for $135

Imagine for a second that you're working for APH, producers of one of the most popular and longest-lasting cassette players in the world. The Handi-Cassette II was a mainstay of many a student's book reading arsenal. But with the advent and proliferation of digital book players and the NLS and RFB&D downloadable book programs, these players are becoming seemingly more irrelevant. So, what do you do with a stockpile of out-of-date portable cassette players? Now, APH has the Handi-Cassette II on sale for $135, a $50 drop. Both domestic and international models are available. Some would argue the voice compression on an analog cassette player is unmatched from the current digital models. And many NLS books are only available on cassette and not being converted to digital formats. If you have some old cassettes lying around, this may be your best bet.

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Category: Books/Movies/Music
Displaying 2 comments.
BlueStar Monday, 14-Dec-2009 10:50 PM ET:

If you need a micro-cassette recorder, the Olympus Pearlcorder J300 is offerred on EBay quite often for under $10.

circulating Tuesday, 15-Dec-2009 12:36 PM ET:

I have a friend who needs a tape recorder to capture ambient sound over an extended period of time. It also needs to be low priced in case it "develops legs" and walks away when unattended. Any tips...??

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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