Blind Bargains

Classifieds: Selling a Next Generation Perkins Brailler in Decent Condition for $150 plus shipping

I am looking to sell the Next Generation Perkins Brailler for $150 plus $20 for shipping. This light-weight unit functions well. There are 2 cosmetic issues.

  1. Part of the plastic on the top of the Brailler has a minor crack. Nothing is broken off in this area.
  2. The button to quickly slide the carriage to the right is missing the plastic cap which makes up the top of this button. The carriage can still be easily and normally moved. You can simply press down on what is typically under the cap but is now exposed. I find this completely functional, and do not find it uncomfortable
    I do not find that writing Braille is negatively affected at all by these small issues. But I am still offering a somewhat low price, in my opinion, because of these issues.
    I prefer to use Paypal, and my e-mail for this method is

Contact information

My phone number is 201-218-7618, and my email is

Category: Miscellaneous

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