Audio Content: #afblc Audio: How Adversity leads to Opportunity: A Chat with the Developers of TapTapSee
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Title: #afblc Audio: How Adversity leads to Opportunity: A Chat with the Developers of TapTapSee
File size: 22.8MB
TapTapSee, a simple app for recognizing images using both computer-generated and human methods, is perhaps one of the most popular downloads for the blind on the iPhone App Store. Last week, the American Foundation for the Blind recognized the achievements of their developers by giving an AFB Access Award to the company. In this podcast, we spoke with Image Searcher CEO Dominik Mazur and CTO Brad Folkens to learn about how the app came to fruition and to get a glimpse of their future development plans. We also discuss the recent change in pricing models and how that may play out going forward.
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