Blind Bargains

Participants Requested for Survey on the Blind and Seeking Psychological Services

A new study is exploring the attitudes of visually impaired people regarding seeking psychological services. The study is being conducted by a graduate student at the University of British Columbia’s Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education. According to the call for participants, "It is very rare to find research which investigates the attitudes and perspectives of the visually impaired on seeking psychological services."
The survey is listed as taking 45 minutes, though some participants report finishing it in half the time. Those who complete the survey will be entered in a drawing for one of three $25 gift cards. Follow the link on this post to take the survey. More information is included below.

You are invited to take part in a study exploring the attitudes of visually impaired people towards seeking psychological services.

What Is Involved?

You will be asked to complete an anonymous online survey which will require approximately 45 minutes. In this survey, you as a person with a visual impairment are asked questions about your attitudes towards seeking psychological services (e.g., professional counseling services) and about visual impairment.

Why participate?

It is very rare to find research which investigates the attitudes and perspectives of the visually impaired on seeking psychological services. This is one of the very few studies on this subject, and we are hoping that you will consider volunteering to participate in this survey.
We hope to produce important information that contributes to improving the research on people’s attitudes towards seeking psychological services by including the perspectives of the visually impaired, making your contribution essential and greatly appreciated. Sean Heaslip is a graduate student in counseling psychology at UBC conducting research for his MA thesis and is also visually impaired. He is committed to ensuring equal representation for the visually impaired community in research.
You will also be offered entry into a draw for one of three $25 gift cards.

Who is eligible to participate?

People who are blind or visually impaired (a visual acuity of 20/200 or less, (typically described as either “legally blind” or “blind” respectively). People between the ages of 21 and 64. People from Canada or the United States.

Source: UNiversity of British Columbia
Category: News

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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