Blind Bargains

Aira updates policies after Corona Virus outbreak

Due to the recent physical isolation orders across various countries, Aira has detailed its new policies in the wake of COVID-19.

First and foremost, Aira access throughout this outbreak will remain available. Because of its remote services, Aira is well-positioned to remain operational during these uncertain times.

However, because a number of Aira agents are also parents, Aira is loosening the restrictions on allowable noise during a call, and notifies users that, while excessive noise still is not permissible during a call, they may expect some increase in background noise as agents are working from home and schools nationwide are closing. Aira specifies that this policy does not change the expectation of the privacy of explorer s personal information and that agents will continue to work in private spaces.

Aira points out ways that working with agents can be particularly useful in this time. Agents can prevent the need to physically interact with the environment, preventing the need to physically touch as many items while accomplishing a task. It also suggests possible uses including accessing entertainment, working from home, paperwork or online tasks, and even interpreting inaccessible graphs and charts, including those relating to the novel Covid-19 statistics.

Noting that many colleges are also transitioning to online-only classes at this time, Aira is offering free access for any college student through May 2020. Contact for more information about this offer.

J.J. spoke with new CEO Troy Otillio at CSUN, just as the current situation was beginning to unfold, and you can listen to that podcast here.

Category: News

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Tangela Mahaffey is a barely reformed English Major currently residing in Colorado. She reads entirely too many fantasy books and takes almost nothing seriously, including herself. She loves technology, music, writing, puns, and cats. She can be reached on twitter @tmmahaff

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